Brigid Cross Video Tutorial Download

Brigid’s Cross

Celebrate the end of winter and the beginning of spring by learning how to draw a Celtic Brigid’s cross.

Traditionally made at Imbolc 1st February the seasonal festival that marks the first day of spring in the Celtic Calendar. It is made from straw or rushes and placed inside the house over the door. Imbolc is a time of purification, rebirth and renewal.

Brigid’s Cross is widely believed to be a Christian symbol but its origins lie in much older Irish traditions and folklore. It is an ancient Celtic symbol, deeply rooted in pagan mythology and associated with the goddess Brigid. It symbolises protection, blessings, and warding off evil spirits for the year ahead.

The ancient Irish people held Brigid in high esteem and regarded her as a powerful deity who played a vital role in their daily lives. As the goddess of fire, Brigid brought warmth and illumination to the hearth, ensuring the comfort and well-being of households.

“Michael’s style of teaching is very clear and understandable. His passion for the subject shines out as does his talent.” – Sue

Starting from first principles you’ll be shown the easy to understand core method to create the Brigid Cross. Once learnt you’ll be able to adapt the method and create a myriad of designs with a free flowing technique.



1.5hr Video Tutorial Download

What you’ll learn in this tutorial:

  • Create the Brigid Cross
  • Learn the core technique
  • Adapt the design using the ‘break’ variation
  • The workshop is suitable for all ages.

What you’ll need:

– A quiet space
– Pencil & Rubber and ink pens
– Paper
– Ruler (optional)
– Imagination!

The workshop was clear, easy to follow, and provided a great method” – Mary

The workshop was great. Michael takes you step by step into a creative world. He gives you amazing artistic variations and suggestions. ” – Mona

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Available for immediate automatic download, MP4 format. Files can be large up to 2Gb so please be patient when downloading.